Code of conduct.

Important Information.


The International Folklore Festival of Lefkada continued uninterrupted during the dictatorship despite the absence of Anthonis Tzevelekis . Responsible for booking of foreign folkloric groups is John Athiniotis, excellent knowledge of the French language , who cooperates with the Mayor of Koravilie France and President of the International Federation of Folklore , Mr Clement . At that time Lefkadians felt that this was a last resort and a temporary case and that the issue of continuing the Festival was much more important even if it should be a compromise .

In 1971 Lefkada is now known as the International Folk Art Center and Hearth of peace among people . The week of Folklore festival attracts many people from the periphery of Athens and abroad . All the groups receive warm welcome and hospitality and written notes from their side said : nowhere in the world have we found the care, love, concern and warmth of Lefkada and generally beauty and brio of Lefkada.

In 1972 Lefkada is full of people during the International Folklore Festival . The small town with its quaint alleyways filled with a colorful crowd huddled all days and hours of the night in a collective uprising of joy and mirth in the central square of the city. The festival already counts a decade.

In 1973 the Lefkadian August has now firmly established in the cultural life of the country as the week of Greek and foreign folkloric groups.

In the summer of 1974 due to the tragic events in Cyprus and the general situation in Greece the International Folklore Festival was not held . In solidarity with the people of Cyprus cultural associations of Lefkada town organized an event in honor of the fallen Cypriots in the struggle against the Turkish invasion, to which were invited and attended Cypriot patriots and members of the Steering Committee Justice for Cyprus

In 1975 the Island of Lefkada welcomes the peaceful message of love of the 13th International Folklore Festival with the song and dance from 12 European countries . Anthonis Tzevelekis returns as manager of the festival and the organization is taken over by the Municipality of Lefkada.
In 1976 the scene of the 14th International Festival of Popular Culture hosts 16 artistic groups. It is the year that the group of the Congo Central African Republic is making a huge impression.

In 1977 at the 15th International Folklore Festival take part groups from 9 countries .

Since 1979 the organization of the festival is a responsibility of the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Lefkada which was established by the mayor Apostolos Fatouros and ran during the mayorship of Theodore Zoitas . The Cultural Center collaborated on the invitation of foreign folkloric groups with the Center for International Relations of Anthonis Tzevelekis until his death in 1989 . Since then through foreign embassies, cultural institutions and homologous mechanisms of international festivals.

Join the volunteer team

If you like art, culture, dance and music, and you want to get in touch with people from other countries and with different cultures, then you should become a member of the volunteer group of the Lefkada International Folklore Festival!